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9 Things That Affect A Man's Prostate Cancer Risk - prostate Cancer Symp...

9 Things That Affect A Man's Prostate Cancer Risk - prostate Cancer Symptoms.
Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate -- a small gland in men that produces the fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.
Prostate cancer is among the most frequent forms of cancer in men.
However, although some kinds of prostate cancer grow slowly and might need minimal or even no treatment, other kinds are aggressive and may spread rapidly.
While the number one danger of prostate cancer is age, there are quite a few different factors that could increase or decrease the danger of a person's cancer. Here are five motives.
1. Family history-If his father or a brother was diagnosed with prostate cancer, a man's risk for the disease roughly drops, Koehler says. Blame the genes.
As heart disease and other health problems can operate in a family, so can prostate cancer risk concludes a study in the journal Urology.
2. Race-African males could possibly be up to five times more prone to develop prostate cancer compared to men of different races, as stated by the National Cancer Institute.
Scientists have linked some particular DNA "versions" to prostate cancer.
And African American men appear to take more of the variations, based on research published within the journal Nature Genetics.

3. Masturbation Habit-The more commonly some man masturbates throughout his 20s, 30s, and 40s, the more the chance of prostate cancer, concludes research in the journal BJU International.
The research author’s state elevated quantities of this hormone testosterone levels are associated with high levels of prostate cancer--along with to greater libido.
4. Age-Among the largest risk factors for prostate cancer is age-old. Teenage boys are rarely affected by this disease.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation reports that just one in 10,000 men under the age of 40 at the USA will grow it.
That number jumps to at least one in 38 for men between the ages of 40 and 59. It jumps in 14 men between the ages of 60 and 69 into at least one.
5. Frequent sexual intercourse-On the flip side, the more sexual sex that a guy gets, the lower his risk for prostate cancer--especially if he is over 50.
That is based on a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Laboratory evaluations have proven that the manic material of a guy's semen differs when he strolled during intercourse versus throughout orgasm.
It is likely that sex fires the prostate up and also helps clean toxins out in a way orgasm cannot fit, the study authors imply.

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